From the City of Chicago website: “On Saturday, November 8, 2014, Chicagoans can join a two decade long tradition of teaming up with community groups and the City of Chicago to help beautify your communities by cleaning up and recycling fall leaves and other yard debris… By cleaning up leaves and other debris, you can help keep storm drains and curb lanes clear before snowfall this winter benefiting your whole community…
- From November 3, through November 21, 2014, residents can call 311 to request bagged leaf and yard waste collection.
- A Department of Streets and Sanitation (DSS) truck will collect leaves and other yard waste separately based on the 311 calls and take the yard waste to be composted.
- Collection will occur during the week it is called into 311.
- Residents should bag the yard waste separately from garbage in the black carts and recycling in the Blue Carts.
- Residents should leave the bagged yard waste in the alley or on the curb for collection.
As a reminder, yard waste should not be thrown in the Blue Cart as it contaminates the recycling stream.
More information from the Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation.